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Living in Recovery

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recuperacion de adicciones

A message of hope                                                             



Ours is truly a hopeful message. Despite a societal tendency to dismiss and stigmatize people suffering from addiction as “hopeless addicts”, recovery is possible. In fact, most people find a way out of addiction by themselves. Others find they cannot do it on their own and need the help of other people, whether from mutual aid groups (AA, NA etc.) or from treatment professionals, or both. Recal is here for those who feel they need both.

People in recovery from addiction generally use that phrase “in recovery” rather than “cured” or even “recovered” as this recognizes and accepts the ever-present risk of relapse. The vulnerability to addiction remains but is consistently reduced by the incorporation and practice of recovery behaviours and attitudes. Over time they become second nature. It is a somewhat like continuously strengthening the immune system to reduce the risk of infection. Some researchers have coined the phrase “better than well” to describe the significant personal gains evidently made by people in lasting recovery.


Whereas addiction is partly defined by the narrowing of life to the slavish demands of the relationship to a mood-altering substance or behaviour, recovery opens up all manner of possibilities. Along with it comes personal discovery, growth and freedom.


Recovery can be enjoyed both by individuals and families to whom Recal offers specialist help.

Terapeutas tratamiento de adicciones

The role of treatment

The role of treatment is to provide a safe place in which to identify what needs to change, to understand what might make that difficult and with the help of skilled practitioners and other people also aiming for recovery, to begin making those changes.


Treatment supports the transition and adjustment to living without the addiction that follows the decision to give up. It provides the opportunity for intensive learning about the condition and the everyday factors that enable or undermine recovery. It introduces to and steeps the patient in the recovery attitudes and behaviours on which they will depend well beyond treatment.




It is often thought that abstinence and recovery is the same thing. It is not. Abstinence is a means to an end rather than end in itself. The ultimate goal is lasting freedom from addiction. With that in mind it is worth noting that, according to some researchers, more stable remission from addiction is associated with abstinence.


Abstinence allows the body, mind and spirit to recover thereby increasing the prospects of improving overall wellbeing. Importantly, it also makes space for personal discovery and growth, essential elements of a dynamic and lasting recovery.


Smoking is permitted in designated areas outside the building but we will strongly encourage patients to consider quitting through a smoking cessation programme while they have the resources to help them do so. Caffeine and sugar consumption are monitored.

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