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Welcome to our clinic!
​​Recal Addiction Treatment Clinic in based in Majadahonda, Madrid. It is located in a quiet and safe place, thus being the ideal space for the patient to give up harmful habits and take the first steps towards a total recovery. 


Recal helps each patient individually, and the family as a whole, in their right to find ways to recover from addiction and its effects and to restore health and wellbeing.


Family members focus their concerns on the person suffering from addiction. Unfortunately, many professionals follow this same course and tend to forget that families also need help.


Recal takes a different approach. We are aware that families are also affected by addiction and that often, in despite their best intentions, the way they relate to the overtly addicted person may not always server everyone´s best interests.

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​Día y hora

Lunes 12 de septiembre a las 20:30 horas.



Donativo por persona: 150 euros

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IBAN: ES57 2100 2383 2402 0024 4656

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